Zombie was an independent developer of 31 award-winning games distributed on virtually every major media platform of the last two decades. Clients included EA, Activision, Sega, Sony, Microsoft, Disney, and the US Army.
Co-founded by myself Joanna Alexander (Max Planck Institute) while we were at the Sarnoff Laboratory in Princeton, Zombie developed the first virtual reality games for Windows 95.
Zombie pioneered the free-to-play business model in N America, working with publishers in Korea and China, where the novel strategy was winning customers by the tens of millions. We went on to pioneer the model again on console with the award winning Blacklight franchise.
Zombie was also one first developers the US Army contracted to use game technology as a strategy for rapidly fielding life saving IED convoy defense and close quarter combat simulators.
Zombie eventually became the longest-operating game development studio in Seattle, hiring over 1000 developers that have gone on found their own studios and lead as executives at Amazon, Xbox, Facebook, & Google.