The average person checks their phone over 150 times a day. We developed Uno to change that.
Uno was the first wearable to utilize Spritz speed-reading technology. Uno utilized Spritz reading compression technology that allowed a person to read up to 600 words a minute—three times faster than normal - with minimal effort. The technology was designed to be easy to learn, allowing users to pick up the technique within five minutes.
I founded Uno with Brad Bond and together we raised half a million in Series A and launched a successful crowd financing campaign. We managed all aspects of design, engineering, manufacturing, marketing, and sales, taking advantage of multiple outsourcing platforms like Red Clay, Upworks, and Zendesk.
Uno synced messages, alerts and notifications across platforms onto one convenient device for fast updates without having to access a smartphone. In addition to alerts and notifications, Uno was equipped with the world’s smallest accelerometer, making it dramatically more accurate than first-generation fitness trackers.
The Uno app allowed users to select which platforms they want to receive notifications from on their device. Users could choose to receive alerts from text messages, incoming phone calls, calendar reminders, emails, Facebook, Twitter, Google Fit, Apple Health and others. The Noteband vibrated when an alert is received, and then displayed the alert once the screen was touched.